Breath of Fresh Air for Melting Vox
After an exciting period of auditions and interviews, we have found our perfect match!
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, we had the privilege of welcoming our new choir conductor, Toby Wardman, during a festive rehearsal.
We are eager to unveil our new musical projects to you and, one again, extend a warm welcome to Toby!

Christmas Concert on the 9th of December 2023
Join us for our first Christmas concert in 2023, taking place on 9th of December 8 PM in Sainte-Anne (the church is situated at: Chaussée de Tervueren 89, 1160 Auderghem).
15€ (above 18 yo). More info/booking: 0485/66 56 60 – – or Contactez-nous